Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Session 5: Reflections

The highlight of today's session was the "excursion". We went for a library tour, followed by a chill-out session at the students' hub. It was a nice cosy place, especially when it's not crowded. I think i can just sit there to watch the rain, over a cup of hot coffee and a good book! ;p

That aside, today we got a first-hand experience of being a "proper researcher"! We were supposed to do a "mini-research" in our groups, from collecting data & analysing data to report writing.
From the WIHIC data collected yesterday, we ran the Cronbach Alpha Reliability test and the paired-sample T-test (which i've described in the previous post). This is still manageable. The difficult part, i feel, is the report writing and data interpretation part. Of course, the data analysis part went to the Maths and Science teachers (Andrew, Yingjie and me) while the abstract and literature review part was crafted out by Selina and Sushi.
The main difficulty we faced was in coming up with the research question and the rationale of this research. Perhaps it was due to the fact that we had a long day, and the weather was cool and relaxing, we decided to call it a day and let our brains rest.

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