Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Group Assignment - Writing a report

Various sections required in writing a report:
Cover page - Title, group members name, abstract, 3 key words
-Literature Review
-Research questions
-Sample (how many, who etc.)
Instrument (Eg. WIHIC - include table 1 to describe scales and description of scales)
Conclusion - recommendations
Report will include 3 tables and 1 graph.
TABLE 1: Scales
TABLE 2: Report Cronbach Alpha results
TABLE 3: Scale means, Standard Deviation and Item means (*scales if P<0.05)
Note: APA format - Three horizontal lines in data table only

In plotting a line graph (using item mean):
(1) If there's no sig diff, take the average of the two means and plot as a single point.
(2) If there's a sig diff, plot the two means as separate points.
In citing references,
(1) For journal, title of article should not be be italics, but name of journal should be
(2) For book, name of book should be in italics instead

Refer to link for more examples.

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