Thursday, November 29, 2007

Indicators: Engaging Learning Environment

Videos: Quilt Maths & Bicycle Journey

In both these instances, the teachers attempt to engage their learners through interesting means: maths journal and discussion using quilt; email exchanges to get first-hand info/insights on other countries.

Having an engaging learning environment is every teacher's dream. However, it is easier said than done. In the initial phase, we often have to spend hours preparing for a 1hour lesson. There is always an inertia to get out of our "comfort zone" and try out something new.

However, i feel that an engaging learning environment need not necessary means having to be creative and doing new things all the time. It is possible that a teacher can meaningfully engage his/her class in a typical classroom setting.

I've the opportunity of visiting some secondary schools in China (Dalian, Shenyang & Beijing). It is a known fact that China students are usually very strong in maths. I was thus very interested to find out how the Maths lessons were carried out. What strike me most was the discipline of their pupils! Very attentive and eager to learn, and definitely engaged! Teaching style? Mainly chalk and talk. The mode of delivery of the lessons in ensuring an engaging LE depends very much on the ability and motivation level of the targeted audience i.e, our students.

Of course, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Once in a while, we can still incorporate fun elements into our lessons. But teachers should balance between time spent on preparing these "interesting" lessons and their personal time. Technology has provided us with many new tools to create the LE that we want.

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